Highway 7, Corvuso, MN
14 Miles West of Hutchinson
5 Miles East of Cosmos
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday 9am to noon
Closed Holidays
Vern and Laura Schmeling
Owners since 1985

Corvuso Meats Value Packages -
Available year around. Stop by or call us at 320-587-4845 for ordering.
Pork Package #1
12 pork chops (approximately 8- 10#)
2 pork roasts (approximately 3-4#)
12 pork patties (approximately 3#)
$75.00 thats a $5.00 savings
Beef and Pork Package #2
2# lean ground beef
1 beef roast (approximately 2-3#)
1 pork roast( approximately 2-3#)
4 pork chops (approximately 3#)
12 pork patties (approximately 3#)
12 beef patties or 6 hamb stks
$90.00 thats a $10.00 savings
Beef Package #3
5# lean ground beef
1 beef roast (approximately 2- 3#)
4 rib eye steaks (approximately 3#)
$110.00 thats a $10.00 savings
Beef Package #4
10# lean ground beef
2 beef roasts (approximately 4-6#)
4 rib eye steaks (approximately 3#)
$160.00 thats a $10.00 savings
Beef package #5
10# lean ground beef
2 beef roasts (approximately 4-6#)
8 rib eye steaks (approximately 6#)
$225.00 thats a $10.00 savings
* all prices subject to change