Highway 7, Corvuso, MN
14 Miles West of Hutchinson
5 Miles East of Cosmos
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday 9am to noon
Closed Holidays
Vern and Laura Schmeling
Owners since 1985
Highway 7, Corvuso, MN
14 Miles West of Hutchinson
5 Miles East of Cosmos
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday 9am to noon
Closed Holidays
Vern and Laura Schmeling
Owners since 1985

Beef and Hog Processing
Cut, wrap, freeze. Grinding, tenderizing, patties, jerkey, dried beef.
Click here for more information including processing fees and costs.
Cut, wrap, freeze. Smoking, slicing, grinding, seasoned patties.
Weiners, links, brats, bologna.
Click here for more information including processing fees and costs.
Venison and Wild Game Processing
Complete Deer Processing
Steaks, chops, roasts, bagged trim, summer sausage, smoked bratwurst, ring bologna, wieners, breakfast links, venison stix, ground jerky.
Click here for more information including processing fees and costs.