Highway 7, Corvuso, MN
14 Miles West of Hutchinson
5 Miles East of Cosmos
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday 9am to noon
Closed Holidays
Vern and Laura Schmeling
Owners since 1985
Locally Grown Beef and Pork Freezer Packages
Quarter Beef
21# Beef Roast = 7 Roasts
8# Rib Steak = 8 Steaks
8# T-Bone Steaks = 8 Steaks
3# Sirloin Steak = 3 Steaks
10# Round Steaks = 6 Steaks
80# Ground Beef
130# Take Home Meat
Optional Cuts:
10# Short Ribs
5# Soup Bones
Also Heart, Liver, or Tongue
Quarter Beef
200# Hanging Weight (Dressed Weight)
335# Live Weight @ $1.40 pound = approx: $469.
Processing Costs = approx: $200.
Total Processing & Purchasing = approx: $669.
Take Home Cost Per Pound: $669. / 130# = $5.14/lb
Half Hog
3# Spare Ribs = 2 pkgs.
20# Pork Chops = 30 Chops
15# Ham Roast = 5 Roasts or Steaks
6# Shoulder Roasts = 2 Roasts
5# Shoulder Steaks = 2 Roasts or Steaks
6# Bacon or Side Pork = 6 pkgs.
10# Ground Pork or Sausage
65# Take Home Meat
Optional Cuts:
5# Pork Hocks = 2 pkgs.
2# Pork Liver = 1 pkgs.
Half Hog
105# Dressed Weight
150# Live Weight @ $.70 pound = approx. $105.
Processing Cost = approx. $110.00
Total Processing & Purchasing = approx. $215.00
(No smoking or sausage… All Fresh cuts)
For Smoking and Sausages Add $50.00 to Processing Costs
Take Home Cost per Pound: $215..00 / 65# = $3.30/lb
* all prices subject to change